The Society
John Myerscough
About the Society
The Society was formed in 1982 under the name “Borders Music And Arts Guild”. Its objectives were to promote music and the arts through holding concerts and staging exhibitions and lectures. It sought to provide a platform for young musicians starting out in their careers and many of them have since achieved acclaim, such as Steven Isserlis.
As the years progressed, more and more emphasis has been placed on music and now chamber music, with solo performers through to small ensembles, predominates. Accordingly in 2010, “Society” replaced the original “Guild” but the same aims and objectives, engaging young musicians who never seem to disappoint a discerning audience, is still pursued.
We welcome all to our concerts, where you are assured good music and good company. After every concert there is usually a reception in the Oval Room, with the evening’s artists providing an opportunity to socialise and discuss the evening’s music.
To become a member please visit our Membership page.
To find out our current programme of music, do visit the Concert page.